The Registration for April to July 2025 Batches 'Live Online classes' and Offline (Physical batches) will start on 1st April 2025 at 10:00 am on our website on the basis of First come First Serve basis. .For further details please call at 9811195920, 9811197581 & 9811195024. . Please read the offline classes guidelines . For further details please call at 9811195920, 9811197581 & 9811195024. . For Registration to our offline course please go to the ‘Offline Registration’ button above (the blue colour button at top above). For further details please call at 9811195920, 9811197581 & 9811195024. For Registration to our online course please go to the ‘Online Registration’ button above (the orange colour button at top right above).

Proprietor's Message

This is a genuine effort to guide you in the right direction for your preparations for the Judicial services exams. I hope you will have a good time with us and you actually will get enlightened by our efforts. Clearing the exams is not difficult. You just have to catch the nerve of it. One has to be very professional and focused in his/her approach. Right and selective reading, synopsizing of every topic, understanding the nature of questions on every topic and sub-topics thereof, proper conceptual clarity, proper understanding of case laws, constant question analysis and writing practice, and a continuous effort to internalize the things one reads, is the key to success. Frequent revision, discussions and mental analysis is a must. A complete devotion and full engrossment into your preparations is what makes you learn and understand faster. Intelligent and innovative studies is actually what makes you different from the others; and your being different is a must to get through. What makes the successful students succeed is the fact that they have understood the above requisites and are totally planned in their approach. The fact is that one should be true to oneself; merely studying for 10-15 hrs./day is not sufficient—thousands of students do that. Success is achieved only by those who plan it out properly and implement it effectively. Each and every moment of your day should be intelligently planned.

Since you have joined a coaching institute, please remember, coaching institutes are just facilitators; without your efforts no coaching institute can make you get through. By joining a coaching institute, you just buy time and confidence for yourself. What you could probably have done yourself over a longer period of time, you are made to do faster and more professionally in a coaching Institute. Please remember, a coaching Institute does not give you something out of world, we only speed up the things and make you organize things better and in the correct perspective. We, at Rahul's IAS will definitely give you the cutting edge. You just have to be positively alert, vigilant and receptive to gather it and make it your tool of success. We will not only give you the knowledge, we will rather also give you a complete and comprehensive approach—a sense of confidence and self-pride; a feeling of uprightness; a never say die attitude towards the exams and towards life in general. Still your Individual efforts are to be the actual reason for your success. We will give you concepts and well compiled material; We will tell you how to study; we will motivate you; we will be with you in the hours of need; we will give you the latest case laws; we will teach and explain the concepts to you to the hilt; we will, to an extent, even force you to study. We will certainly give you the pedestal beyond which you have to build up. The higher is the pedestal provided, the easier it becomes for you. We will certainly give you the highest possible pedestal. That is what makes us different from all others. We are professionals and do understand the ins and outs of the exams. The position in which we are placed is in itself sufficient enough a motivation for us to make the best efforts to teach you to the best of our potential. You just be positive and receptive.
Wish you all the best. Create the killing instinct and hit your target hard - Success will be yours. Take it to your nerves. No one is born and destined to succeed; one has to achieve it by his/her hard efforts.
Wishing you a happy and successful stay at Rahul’s I.A.S.,
